AS the dusk dawns upon, it seems as if the entire cosmos is playing with light and shadow. The blend of day and night depicts the perfect combination of good and bad, loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred and life and death. The universe seems to shrink and swell as the cold breeze rising from the sea embraces the shore.
Absolutely black sea merged artistically across the horizon with star studded sky makes the universe a puzzle, which has remained unresolved since centuries. Gazing at these exquisite powers of divinity endowed on the human race there are incessant thoughts that seem to quench for peace.
It is often believed that when the things can no longer be expressed in words then the silence remains the only way to communicate, when eyes become misty then the vision becomes the sight and when touch no longer remain trustworthy then the instincts become the ultimate power. It’s not always possible that a person remains contented, pleased and jovial, there comes a phase when things seems to be out of place when every opportunity seems to be a failure and when every failure seems to be the end.
But this is the way life comes to each one of us, some make best prospects out of the failures and the others curse the fate for the thick and thin phases of lives.
It is wise that these sporadic decisions in life should be mended with perseverance so that the transparency in the actions matches the frequency of the thoughts and imparts the experience which is the stepping stone for the matchless success.
Absolutely black sea merged artistically across the horizon with star studded sky makes the universe a puzzle, which has remained unresolved since centuries. Gazing at these exquisite powers of divinity endowed on the human race there are incessant thoughts that seem to quench for peace.
But this is the way life comes to each one of us, some make best prospects out of the failures and the others curse the fate for the thick and thin phases of lives.
It is wise that these sporadic decisions in life should be mended with perseverance so that the transparency in the actions matches the frequency of the thoughts and imparts the experience which is the stepping stone for the matchless success.
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