LIFE is always a roller coster ride and to keep one going with the ups and downs of this life is not that easy, but the champions are the ones who know how to keep a defined balance between

their achievements and failures.
Discovery is very painful, it makes a man struggle and strive more. People seek for the fact of existence but never find it. It’s a paradox that what we need desperately at one time, we don’t want at a particular time, as the desire to achieve it fades away with time and the urge gets subsided. The beauty of human life is that what we search we don’t find and also don’t let the others find and this inflicts pain and hatred upon oneself and others.
Human beings are diverse in nature, but the problem of every human being is same, though the degree is different. Life from the beginning is in a constant process of evolution and man is in a steady process of transition. It’s ironic that the moment a man desires anything, it starts expressing itself and it takes greater time to fight with worldly forces to achieve that but the desired object no longer gives joy when it is attained.
Reality is very chaste and pure but the blindfolded deeds of a man force him to perceive its virginity as naked and harsh. It’s a huge process between committing actions and realising them. And often confessions also become a part of this course. But it’s not easy to accept these changes so easily, as it always challenges the ego of a man and make the existence of their relations suffer.
Curiosity is ingrained in every human being but the expression differs. Every one is running after objectless ecstasy which seems to engulf the authenticity and enhance the materialism.
But the real pleasure lies in the joy that never fades, love that never dies, and satisfaction that brings fullness, freedom that is unconditional and self esteem that is unlimited.